Figure 2. Nadir thrombocytopaenia and nadir neutropaenia on day 33. NPC, normal platelet count; GoN, grade of neutropaenia; WHO Criteria: (a) grade of thrombocytopaenia - platelet count (x109/L) ≥100=grade 0; 75-99=grade 1; 50-74=grade 2; 25-49=grade 3 and <25=grade 4. For purposes of this study, grade 0 implies counts ≥100 and <150; counts ≥150 to upper limit of normal were categorized as NPC. Grade 3 and 4 was considered “severe thrombocytopaenia”; (b) grade of neutropaenia – neutrophil count (x109/L) ≥2·0=grade 0; 1·5-1·9=grade 1; 1·0-1·4=grade 2; 0·5-0·9=grade 3; <0·5=grade 4. Unlabelled stacks represent a single patient. This figure shows that severe thrombocytopaenia was associated with equal or worse grades of neutropaenia. Two patients had grade 3 thrombocytopaenia and one patient had grade 4 thrombocytopaenia.